Watched Gremlins last night. GREAT movie. Super dated now - more so than I remembered.
Also - MUCH more violent than I remembered. Phoebe Cates is hot.
Also I wanted to say thanks to everybody who entered. I'll put something together for you guys (and girls!) around the time I mail out the cards. I'm hoping that I can get the painting done by mid next week to get it to the printers.
It's gonna be a close race.
Did I mention how hot Phoebe Cates is?
be seeing you,
WOW -that looks amazing. totally and completely. i had no idea how you would do it but its really awesome.
Absolutely rockin' I also love me some Phobe Cates been meaning to rewatch the gremlins movies...&drew i was wonderin' if u can help me out and spread the word on a tron:legacy sub i did for threadless i just need people to score and/or comment on it:
sorry, i kinda feel inappropiate to post a link of my stuff but i could use a hand
Thanks yalls.
William. Hell no I don't mind. Pimp away. I'm on my phone but will check your threads when I get to a big screen. Is voting today only?
the voting started today for my design it'll be up 6 more days thanx a lot looking forward to the gremlins art
Willian - that design looks rad.
Good luck. I hear threadless is cutthroat.
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