Here's a red sonja piece i did. It's a nother practice piece to try out this technique. I've done 10 of these pieces. There for a show that's coming up. I don't usually add color to my traditional pieces and I've really wanted to for a long time, so I bit the bullet a month ago and started doing it.
Let me know what you think. Criticism is always welcome here.
I'm a big red sonja fan, so 5 of the 10 pieces are red sonja - the other ones are VG classics. (^__^)







Nice pic. No criticism needed!
Looks GREAT!!! :D
Thanks you guys - i appreciate the kind words. Traditional, i found, is maybe a little more fun but definately a lot more scary than digital.
Very nice you work never needs any judgement to the fact that its one of a kind and always awesome
awesome to see the process - but these are AMAZING in person at the show.
they really stood out and looked gorgeous!
thanks Jupey - i was just happy to have my art next to yours.
awesome... u gots skills- i love these types of posts with pics in progress. Great work
Looks amazing! Did you do the greyscale drawing with pencil?
Thanks Roberta, yup, it started as a light(ish) sketch with a mechanical pencil. I love using them cause it's always sharp but that's also a downfall, it can scare the paper and you don't want that, cause then it affects things all the way through the process.
Awesome, I thought you used pencil but I wasn't sure. What kind of paint and paper did you use then? I find that pencil sometimes gets lost in the paint and doesn't come out as bold as you've got it here.
The pencil DOES get lost in the washes. You're right about that! but not completely. I use black ink and water to do the shading on those. It's just a bunch of light washes on watercolor paper (any will do but it's the cold press stuff). I go over the lines I want to keep with copic black ink pens towards the end.
The real trick is, anything dark after I put the glaze on at the end, POPS right out! So the black come back from grey. It's really cool if you plan for it.
I hope that helps.
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