Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Random girl paintings

These are some paintings I did for a project that will not be used. I'm just gonna post them here so they can see some daylight.

About to head to San Diego for Thanksgiving. I am looking forward to a giant burrito from a hole-in-the-wall almost as much as I'm looking forward to Thanksgiving day itself.

In Seattle there is no substitute for such things as the Mexican food out here mostly tastes like cafeteria food from middle American grade school. Ya - it really is that bad. You know, the kind of food that you spend in food fights instead of eating because it's got projectile mass more than it has flavor. The kind of food that you build sculptures out of because it looks better shaped as a T-rex than it feels sitting in your belly. The kind of food that your dog won't eat because he thinks it's poison. Ya - it really is that bad.

Mexican food in San Diego, though I'm not expert on Mexico, can be as cheap as bus fare out here and good enough to write a blog post about. You can get a burrito for a few dollars, which is of a substantial weight and size - it'll probably last you an entire day. Good good stuff.


Tuesday, November 15, 2011


Ok. Fine. Just one more stormtrooper ever.

Here's the plan. If I can paint this large and good looking, I"ll move on to snow Leia. THe way I look at it - black and white should be easier than color, so I'll start with easy stuff and move on.

This is going acrylic and who the fuck knows how that works. Photoshop? Cake. Real life? ARRRRRRGGGGHHHHHHH. The plan is to throw some paint down ASAP so I can see how bad I suck at making colors happen. But you don't care about that do you? You just want to see some pixels!

Hell dot yes.

Go ahead, click on him. He gets bigger.

Mind you, this drawing is a helluva lot better than the last stormtrooper I put down. So at least that's cool.

be seeing you,
number 6.

Wednesday, November 09, 2011

digital ink

Working on a piece of art that's due soon. Simple colors and then she's done.

Thursday, November 03, 2011

One down, son.

Killed a painting.
I have a shitload to paint this week. Well, really, this season. Winter is going to be a rough one to clear up.

Winter advice? Don't eat the yellow snow. Keep your head down. Finish your god damn projects.

I haven't done postcards in a long ass while. I really want to do that, but it's dessert. I have to eat my vegetables and pay my bills first.

Forgot to mention, this character is based off the mascot for Anime Conji an anime convention in San Diego. Think her name is Saga. Her design is tweaked because I don't like to just copy and paste, and she's very generic. Respect to the creator.


Tuesday, November 01, 2011

Some wacky digital sketches

The top one is just for the hell of it. The others are paintings I have to get done this month. Well, actually, one of them has to get done in the next week. :-| And if you know how I am at getting things done in just one week, then you would be nervous for me too.

Random half naked warrior girl with tree branches growing out of her head? Ya.

Girl and her monster. Calaveras infused monster face thingie? check.
Anime girl for a buddy's anime crew. cheers,