Eric Marachal strikes again. He's been so gracious to paste me up again. Thanks Eric - you're helping art spread like a virus.
And here's a pic I've been meaning to post for a while, it's Doug Artus's racecar. If you see him racing it A. cheer for him if he's in a race. B. Don't tell the cops if it's a heist.
That's how we roll.

be seeing you,
Peach, right?
SMB has gone so deep in the collective unconscious it's invisible to some.
Oh, something for me :P
If I had a car like that... *sigh*
Cool. Someone tell Kotaku. The people deserve to see this!
Yup. Totally peach.
Thanks Charles. I'm trying to tell them. I'm yelling as hard as I can!!!!!! <-- see?
Sup, peeps. I talked with Andrew and scored a few of his prints to sell over at The 8bit Cubist. If you like his work, please support the movement.
Mr Benja.
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