If you came to the Seattle Comic Con, I had a prototype sitting out. And if you stopped by and said hi to me then I really really appreciate it. I met allot of cool people. Wade and I had a great time.
Here's an unpainted pre-mold version. There are a few bugs with the paint job but as soon as I get all the kinks ironed out I'll put it up online. I'm doing a run of about 100 figures and the final price will be determined by how much I can get the glass and shipping for, but I'm shooting for less than $75 and it's going to include a postcard and a copy of my imaginary kingdom book.

I neeed one of these so make sure you pop me on a pre-order list :D
In all serriousness though make sure you hit me up with an email when these are up for purchase
stevefable @ aol.com
Hey Andrew how you been? I love your new art direction. I am looking forward see it make in to the wii game!
Do you still have any of these left to buy?
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