Monday, December 01, 2008

inspired by a shooting star...

This one rounds out my pinocchio series. there are several other characters from the movie, but I think Jimminy, Pinoc, Geppetto, and the Blue Fairy are the "classic ones" for that. There's the fox and the cat, stromboli, and the whale, as well as the jackass kid, but I'm gonna stick with these four then move on to... say.... ¿Aladin?

who knows, I have enough work lined up to keep me busy till 2010, but i always find a way to slack off just long enough to paint fun stuff. (*__*)

*i added tags, so it's easier to search out these disney inspired pictures. sometimes this blog is like a unkept closet and that should help a little.

be seeing you,


Vee (Scratch) said...

Great work and style! COol Disney series btw.

C.Deboda said...

I was just about to say too..."Aladdin". Bring it.

Trixi said...

It's so... (I would say cute, but I already hate that word.)Just love your work.

Anonymous said...

thats so awesome, I love it