Thursday, November 27, 2008

inspired by a carpenter

you know the drill.

And Happy Thanksgiving for those of you that celebrate it.

If you don't, go ahead and use it as a reason to think of something you're thankful for.



Monday, November 24, 2008

smokin' ace

i had this design in my head today and had to get it out.

thought it was kinda morbidly funny.


Sunday, November 23, 2008

sketch poses for a maquette

i'm going to try to get a figure done. here are the first sparks of the creative movement. we'll see how far (or short) this one goes, but i'm gonna give it a good shot. scout's honor.


Thursday, November 20, 2008

slip into some more comfortable art...

I got tagged by Charles Goatley.

Tag rules
- You must link to the individual who tagged you and post the rules of TAG.
- Post 7 random facts about you
- Tag 7 bloggers and link to them
- Let them know that they have been tagged by leaving a message

random facts about me:
music is my favorite thing.
i usually avoid capital letters.
i will eat almost anything save mushrooms.
bicycles concern me.
i purposely avoid creating art influenced by my favorite artists in order to respect their style.
i rarely, if ever, speed unless fast music is on or i am in dire straights.
i am better at keeping secrets than anybody who is reading this.

and i am tagging:

follow the rules people, i want the random facts.


Tuesday, November 18, 2008

¿what have you if you haven't your word?

i told somebody i'd do a few more of these, so it's back to practice before i come up with anything worth actually resting eyeballs on. gimme a week.


Thursday, November 13, 2008

there are no strings on me.

i always liked this character. i suppose this is no way to treat him... but after the way he treated his own father, he deserves such a thing. and in the book - i do believe that he burned his own hands off (i have been corrected, it was his feets. ;-)), though i'm not totally sure. i think that happens at some point after he kills the cricket.

what a tale.


Wednesday, November 12, 2008

inspired by some chipmunks

this one was tough, and it's not entirely obvious, but i think they're sorta cute, so i'll keep em.

see ya real soon!

Friday, November 07, 2008

Go fly a kite, you!

I did this last night to just pass the time.

Now that I think about it - I never really could get those kites to fly right. I remember running around with the kite string in a field in New Mexico when I was about 3ft. tall.

At some point the kite took at down turn and smacked into the earth hard, which perhaps wouldn't have broken it, had the damn thing not gotten caught on a barbed wire fence.

Something tragic like that, although the memory escapes me just like the joys of flying the kite did on that day.

I kinda like the quip - "Oh - go fly a kite!" It's a pretty good one and it's not altogether too offensive. It gets the point over just so. Subtle, but minorly effective.
