Thursday, September 20, 2012

Jessica Rabbit

In order to promote my Crazy4Cult print (and also myself), I painted a variation on the poster.  It's one of the frames from the movie tweaked out a bit and used as a Jessica Rabbit silhouette to the piece.

She's the best part of Who Framed Roger Rabbit and probably one of the best toons to come from the 80s.

I'm giving away a proof of the original print to a twitter follower. So follow me there if you don't already:

Jessica Rabbit + whitespace


Patrick Ballesteros said...

Kickass buddy!

Damcanadian said...

why can I only follow once, why!
also sent you an email with a question.

SANTIAGO said...

Wow... that came out great!

BB3000 said...

Looks great. Love the sillo concept.