Tuesday, May 29, 2012

PacMan Nipples.

I made a picture.  This is one illo of two pieces that I did for a buddy.  This is the weaker of the two although it's not without interesting bits.

Yeah, she totally has pacman nipples.

¿Is PacMan one word or two?

The most awesome thing about this post is that if people google "PacMan nipples" there's a good chance that they'll find THIS POST.

If you're here because of PacMan nipples - you sick f_ck... WELCOME.  Enjoy.

Great.  I'm doing my part to ruin the galaxy from within.

be seeing you,
number 6.


Phineas said...

Currently ranked in Google at #2 for "Pacman Nipples". Almost there... I wish you luck.

How about adding Pacman NIpples to the ALT tag of this image? It could help boost your position, and... wow, have you seen the number of picture results you have in Google Images for PACMAN NIPPLES?

Oh, also.... Pacman Nipples.

Trixi said...

Now I've seen everything :D

FBT said...

I love your naked chicks.

Unknown said...

Thank you for everything Phineas.

PacMan Nipples indeed.

Trixi, I have more to show you. Be afraid.

Thank you so much FBT. My naked chicks want to be loved so bad that it hurts them deep inside.

I am seriously f_cking odd today. That is good though.


Unknown said...

Thank you for everything Phineas.

PacMan Nipples indeed.

Trixi, I have more to show you. Be afraid.

Thank you so much FBT. My naked chicks want to be loved so bad that it hurts them deep inside.

I am seriously f_cking odd today. That is good though.


thedave said...

...so far the Kin Jong Il imgage result is the best!

Trixi said...

Oh, I am afraid. I am very afraid.