My blog felt dark and cluttered so now I've limited the per page posts to 5, and reorganized many of the widgets on the side.
The focus should really be on the art and what I'm sharing, although I have to put that "Buy my book " plug on the side so that I make some money. The blog also felt a little dark, so I lightened it up, although the BG will likely change many times.
I'm not a big fan of changing things around, but this blog has always felt claustrophobic and I also think that it deserves lots of life since it's been around for around half a decade.
I often wonder if I'm doing blogging "right" but honestly, it's all about giving art to the readers and trying to inspire people to do the same. So I really appreciate you (whoever may be reading currently). I do have another batch of postcards on its way, and I will be sending those out soon as another round of thanks to those of you who follow the site.
I saw a really good pin up photo of Rachael Taylor and decided to paint a version of it.
May I point out that you're just bloody good at pin ups. That is all.
Heh - thank you. I ripped the last pose and this one, although I'll still take credit for being good. I guess you could say they were inspired. I'm working to finish off this one today. It's probably not gonna happen but I should be able to get the values out. (B/W version)
I dunno, I get your blog in me reader. And that's just plain natural text/image style and I only ever come to your blog for commenting.
As it's not too text heavy I wouldn't worry 'bout it, that said I think it's definitly more lively now.
Good point. I would hate for anybody to come to this site and the page to take a few minutes to load - so booop - removed most of the garbage.
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