Thursday, June 02, 2011

Pin me up chick

First pass done. Tweaking to ensue tomorrow.



kleer001 said...

I love the texture on the sweater, also, the nipple peak, lol.

Trixi said...

Damn, you work fast.

Unknown said...

Kleer - thanks holmes. Yup, I put a slipple in there. Wonder if I should take it out so's the kids don't see it. Naaaaah. They've all seen at LEAST one of those before.

Trixi - It's digital work, so it goes fast. I've been doing this a long time! Heck you can go back to the beginning of the blog as see some of the first schtuff, but that would probably create more questions than answers. (^__^)

Trixi said...

No work goes fast without motivation, digital or not.

XSV said...

Reminds me of Isla Fisher :) Love your work!!

Unknown said...

That's exactly the photo ref that I used.

That whole series of photos is ridiculously cool. (and very 50s feeling).