Postcards are on the way.
I got batch 2 done today and another batch will be going out tomorrow. Photos following the sketch.
Also, I did another take on my slutty cartoon war heroine. (Is that how you spell it? That looks druggish). At any rate, this one is a fly girl. I may do another. I can't seem to settle on something I'm 100% in love with, though I do love the curls. I think that's working.
I may get hung up on this and never ever ever ever ever stop sketching these. This one is also based on some stupid Halloween costume. I wonder if the models in those ever brag - "you know, I was sexy witch number three on the Halloween N' Fap order booklet."
Heheh. Ok, that's enough typing for one evening.*

And they say women can't make up their minds
Just for that, I'm illustrating another one. (one after the another another one that I just illustrated).
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