At any rate, here's to adding music. This track is to go with the sudden Mario theme that's poped up on the blog. It's Hip Tanaka's Super Mario Land. I wanted to use a track that you probably don't know, but it's still cool. 8bit - gameboy music at that.
Sorry for the mini ad that pops up on the player, but it's a free player. Not too anyoying. Oh - yah, and watch out - the track is a LITTLE LOUD.

Super Mario land : Muda Kingdom : Hip Tanaka
A little loud?
heh - i don't mean bravado - i just meant volume. Like, when I play that through that little widget, it hurts my ears in the speaker unless I turn it down.
Well, my ears would like to sue you haha
If that last one didn't work for you, try the new one. And then we'll see who's body parts would like to sue whom. :)
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