I'm suffering from it now. It just so happens that all the art has been for work lately, which is cool, but unpostable. ( >__< ) I've been working ~13 hour days. It's painful but I keep hoping that if I do it and do it well, I'll get good at art.
It's working slowly, but I'm totally dropping the ball in many many courts. I guess that's why nerds suck at communicating because doing that takes time away from their nerdy projects.
Here's a nerdy project of mine: I'm doing a bunch of heman paintings, and if I'm lucky, a heman shirt. It's 50/50 right now so cross your fingers and I'll cross mine too.
I love heman. Mostly cause my parents didn't let me play with them as a child, so I'd sneak over to a friend's house to do it. I actually hated the kid but he had so many toys that it worked out. He was generally a bully. At any rate, if you read this Dusty or his brother Corey, sorry... (i haven't talked to them in a dozen + years so I should be safe)

i hope you dig the sketches. i'll try to find time to prodce stuff i can blog, but chances are that stress will make me forget my name and password.
VERY cool stuff! I haven't been on in quite some time, looks like I've missed a LOT of amazing things from you! Keep it up ~ the memory will return . . . eventually! :)
Great looking sketches! Can't wait to see future updates.
I used to watch HE-MAN all the time as a kid, but never really had too many of the action figures. I remember owning suction head Leech though. Only because my goofball brother would pin me to the ground and stick Leech on to my forehead. Often leaving a round red mark the size of a quarter on my noggin for hours. :(
Thank Alikins and Hado.
That's a pretty good story. Maybe I should go for a leehman painting?
That would be really cool if I could get it to leave red marks on everybody's forehead. ;-)
Awsome! Awsome to the max!
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