Thursday, July 30, 2009

the shortest distance between two points

i have very little to say this morning.

it's going to be a long day at work.

Here's a piece I finished some time ago:

Red Sonja - like the movie that's coming out in the next few years by Rodriguez (i think). It's traditional - ink wash and acrylic. 12" by 12" mounted to wood.

It's also available IF you're interested - at gallery 1988 right now.

Have a good day today.

be seeing you,


Trixi said...

Great as always

para said...

Sonja in her younger days =P

Unknown said...

Thanks trixi.

nice one para - nakedchicks with animal skull hats is a genre not tackeld enough.


i said...

Awesome. I really like how the bg looks without any outlines.