These ones are all paintings of Red Sonja. If you don't know who that is - it's sort of like Conan's female counterpart. She was dreamed up by the same writer. She had a movie staring Bridget Nielson (i think that's how you spell her name) and Arnold S. was in it too.
At any rate, I used to love her comics when I was little. They had monsters, swords, and boobies. It's pretty much a perfect combination. I'd never yet done any pics of red Sonja and now that I have - it's all i want to do. (^__^) I'm working on another one for the Crazy4Cult show in LA next month. It's shaping up to be a really fun piece and I can't wait to post it, but before I post it - i have to finish it.
I'll find some time and get back to you on that one.

Oh yah, and in case you were wondering - they're ink washes, a little water color, and some acrylic and then they were mounted to board.
These are great! Red Sonja rules!
Yeaaahhh cool stuff, awesome works!!! Greats!!
Cool pictures. These are definitely looking better and better with each iteration.
No way dude, these are awesome!
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