It's at Gallery1988 and it's called Idiot box - it's an arts how dedicated to T.V. shows we all know and love or know and hate... Like Saved by the Bell or Knight Rider or Alf or Fraggle rock. (*__*) I LOVE ALL THAT STUFF.
from the Gallery 1988 LA site:
"Idiot Box" will feature almost 100 artists depicting their favorite television guilty pleasures. The shows you can hardly admit you love, but in all honesty, you LOVE the shit out of them. And yes. On April 2, the night of the opening reception, Dennis "Mr. Belding" Haskins will be hosting the extravaganza to not only celebrate the Gallery's milestone, but also the 20th Anniversary of Saved by the Bell! "Diff'rent Strokes." "Small Wonder." "Double Dare." "Flava of Love." It basically doesn't stop.
I painted the saved by the bell kids on top of an actual 8X10 that Dennis "Mr. Belding" Haskins gave the gallery owner to use. I thought it was kinda fun.
I hope you like it and I hope you go to the show and say hi, cause I'll probably be there unless something really big or serious comes up.
That's so cool!
Hahaha that's great. Kelly looks hot.
lindsay ||
Cool... that takes me back.
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