i have been admiring her work for a while now and once upon a time i got to meet her in person.
i recently came into some good fortune and found myself the proud owner of a © piece of art. her style is totally unique and to top it all off - she's about as cute as a baby penguin (ok, weird analogy but it brings me to my next piece), which brings me to my next character :: "emperor pendanguin". ben padget has promised to do one and there may soon be a third artist in on the panda penguin goodness. maybe we can convince david hong to do one - or does he even read these things? well folks, we'll (i'll) certainly find out soon.

here are ben's versions (twisted as they may be)::

1 comment:
Well, here I am in the highlands of Guatemala with the most horrifically slow internet connection, but still intrigued by twisted penguin-panda hybrids. Luckily, Ben is a programmer and not an artist so the cat and I don´t have to starve. And I don´t have to prostitute myself to get home. Hurray.
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