Friday, March 30, 2012

Come at me Bro.

Ok.  I'll be at the Seattle Comic Con Friday from around 2 - 7 or so, depending on when I split to head to an art show or two.

Stop by and say "yo", and be a nice person.

There's a comic book themed art show at Gallery LTD.  That's what I did all the Avengers for.  Prints will be for sale.  I'll put a link up.  But if you're not into prints, by all means, enjoy the web versions.

Since I've been spending so much time in Seattle, Rain is now a real thing to me.

soooo do NOT fuck with Hulk's sweets. Or he'll cry like a widdle bitz, but... hard!

Iron Man on Rockband.  Probably playing Iron Man.  Meta, right?

Don't hit your thumb, we wouldn't want it to be... Thor. (>__<) wacka wacka

This is how the print looks. It's a 12x16.

1 comment:

thedave said...

looks so good I have been waiting to see these finished.Let me know how i can buy one of those books from you.