Ok, ok. So metal man isn't part of Mega Man 1. I probably shouldn't be wasting time with him. But I did. I won't be painting this guy to final, but I just wanted to explore his designs. I may do a few more Megaman 2 characters because they have allot of interest to them, but for now here are two explorations for metal man: a more classic approach and then a little more punk in the trunk, so to speak.

Another mowhawk? Check.
Little scrapes and chunks from sawblade mistakes as a young robot? Check.
Eye patch cause he really f_ed up once? Check.
Sawblade like ninja stars? Check.
Abdomen sawblade shooter? Check.
This one has it all, doesn't he ladies?

be seeing you,
I would say the second one is perfect, but I might be biased.
Yup Yup - second one is def the best. I like that one allot.
Did you ever play megaman trixi?
Nope, I'm not a big gamer. *ninja*
Hey -that's no thang. I do have to admit though, I was born with a nes controller in my hand. strange fact...
I feel for your mother lol
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