Friday, July 27, 2012

Moo-tivational Concept.

I'm going to make some Moo Mini cards

A guy from Moo contacted me to say that he would trade me some free product for some representation on my blog.

Now, if you're like me, you hate being solicited for anything at all... EXCEPT REALLY COOL STUFF.  So I'm going to be straight up with you that moo cards are actually really awesome and don't need endorsement TBH.  I've never gotten them made and I need cards though, but instead of making business cards, I want to miniature art pieces.

Whether or not you make some, I have an awesome idea in mind, so let's get to it.

I want to do miniature drawings on side-scroller video game levels.  Classic stuff, you know, that's been done to death, but at least this time, I will be doing them to death tiny and in a new way.

The cards are double sided, so I might switch up the design on the backside, so that it's one scene on one side and something a little different on the back.

Then when it's done I want to send a set to people who have participated or reblog or tweet/retweet about it.  I don't really know how to do that, but it's going to be an awesome art giveaway of EPIC tiny proportions.  ¿Amirite?

Oh yah - I also want you to participate and share your stuff.  I've gotten a few emails from people following this site lately and it's really cool to see what they do and how they interpret some of my art.  So do feel free to share with me.

Here's a template to get you started:

Here's a blank template for you to use.  I'm painting these much bigger than the cards will come out, so they have detail, but not so detailed that it looks like a blur when I'm all done.  It's a balance.  Also since there are so many to do, I'm sure I'll get better by the end.

There will be around 40 images to make, so I'd better get started.

Here's Super Mario Brothers from the NES.  If you don't know, you must be like....5 years old. :-|

Here's an up-close shot.  The art will not be represented this way, but it's fun to noodle some detail at this scale.
I paint up close but constantly zoom out to see if everything reads well.

This is how the moo card should look in the end, give or take a cm.
It's important to always look at your art at the size which it will be viewed.
If you paint to closely to your piece you may lose perspective.

¿Super Moorio Bros. anybody?

The link to moo cards is here: 



Jonathan B said...

Done and done so give me some when your done, my address has changed.

Unknown said...

I think you've misunderstood me. I'm going to raffle off a set of all 40, the whole project, once I'm done.

Keep your eyeballs on the page though. As as soon as I'm done I'll plop it up.


Also, you need to start up a things to do in Seattle, so I can get all the 411 up here.
