About to head to San Diego for Thanksgiving. I am looking forward to a giant burrito from a hole-in-the-wall almost as much as I'm looking forward to Thanksgiving day itself.
In Seattle there is no substitute for such things as the Mexican food out here mostly tastes like cafeteria food from middle American grade school. Ya - it really is that bad. You know, the kind of food that you spend in food fights instead of eating because it's got projectile mass more than it has flavor. The kind of food that you build sculptures out of because it looks better shaped as a T-rex than it feels sitting in your belly. The kind of food that your dog won't eat because he thinks it's poison. Ya - it really is that bad.
Mexican food in San Diego, though I'm not expert on Mexico, can be as cheap as bus fare out here and good enough to write a blog post about. You can get a burrito for a few dollars, which is of a substantial weight and size - it'll probably last you an entire day. Good good stuff.
Being so used to the fantasy coming out of the seams of your work the normalcy here is surprisingly fresh and dope. Word.
lol, I can totally hook you up with some good Mexican food joints, though most of the best ones are lunch trucks ran by Mexicans
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