I've got the Zelda series refs on there. Slashes instead of bullet holes. Fairy in a bottle instead of 1-up, etc.
I think it will work. I just have to decide which damned version to go with. Hoody or no hoody. Sticking her tongue out or not. I'm thinking number 2, but the top one is sort of unique and out of character, which is a cool aspect.
Either way, I've got to jump on this quick so I can get it done and out. I want to print a set of 2 cards and I can't do that if only one card is finished!
bee seeing you.
Oh my goodness... pleeease! tell me that you're not gonna make us choose! that would be hell! And I agree, the greenish blue and orage look awesome. Which way you decide to go, they look awesome.
I owe you a fan art, I haven't forgot about that!
It's cool. I'll leave the tough choices to a coin and photoshop, which I will flip and promptly use.
omg this will be awesome record urself painting this ;)
Can't. it's already finished...
J/k, but seriously.
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