i forgot to mention on the blog that i'm in an art show at gallery 1988 in LA called "the guys guys". It's 10 male artists from all over the place and there are a ton of cool pieces there.
-here's the link- i chose to paint pointy angel and devil girls with skull ghosts on wood.
here are two of the pics:

If you come by - say hi to me. I'll be the white kid with jeans and an offwhite shirt with a burgundy skull with wings and snake heads on it. And be nice to me if you see me since i'll probably be A.) tipsy and B.) vulnerable to bouts of confusion
Very coool design, love you leave the wood texture for the characters!! I hope I can make it to the Gallery tonight ... if I manage to get off work early. :) Best of luck with the exhibition!
Wow...sorta crazy stuff...ina good way...I have a show coming up soon that is all landscapes and portraits on wood...
thanks 4 the comment, i like this pic.. very nice! the textures work really well. :D
Looks like one of your images on the gallery site got removed...what was it?
i love this to death.
These are awesome!
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