Thursday, November 09, 2006

one more chipotle...

i don't want to do too many more of these menus in my life. this'll be the 24th... and i thought i had moved on, but it was a good oportunity to do one more and bring a little happiness to someone's life.

this is for a guy i know. sort of belated wedding present or something and besides he's a cool guy and generous with his knowledge, so he deserves it. i would like to make one of these for everyone i know... the problem is that then they won't be as original. :.( i'll come up with something...

i'm gonna go take off right now to get it framed up real pretty. if anybody's wondering -- it's ink and white guache... nothing fancy



Anonymous said...

Oh yeah, diggin' the black line kids at the bottom of the page, might have to steal those (heh heh.

Unknown said...

Thanks for stopping by ! Wow- you do terrific work -glad I now know where to check it out frequently.

David Malan said...

Great work all of it. This one is my favorite very cool and original.