Wednesday, June 28, 2006

fan - andrew

somebody wrote me and said they loved my characters and wanted to use one as an avatar.

i don't have many fans and it was really flattering. i was in a good mood today, plus i'm out of ideas at the moment.

i told her that i would rather she had her own to use as an avatar so i made her one... it's based off a screenshot of her warcraft character she sent me.




Anonymous said...

whoa ... a commission off of a WOW character's character. I just gotta hear how she likes it!! ;-)

Unknown said...

she dug it but aksed me why i didn't give her a second arm...

so as soon as i get a new computer up, i'm going to paint it more prominently. i just showved it in the back and darkened it a little too much, i was trying to accentuate the female form of the orc, but at the cost of an arm. ;-)