i was coughing and i went to the restroom to grab some tissue with which to blow my nose. good thing that i went to that particular room in the house because as i was coughing violently enough to shoot a marble out of my throat like a cannon -- through plate metal - i barfed the entire contents of my dinner into the sink.
it was an awesome shot. consider the luck.
i managed to direct the flow just as it was passing up past my esophagu.... (¿how do you spell that?) - well, throat - right into the sink on a hook shot. it was like the game winning point for a college championship game.
i thank g_d not for the illness, but for the "skillness" that i had at that very moment.
at any rate....
i'm not feeling very creative. i'm going to go watch tv for the rest of the night.
this is "the network says". i will rework it once i feel better and add some depth to an otherwise completely boring concept.

1 comment:
Stories about phlegm and throwup are always cool. And I like Mr. Test pattern too.( tentacles and floating eyeball version)
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