Limited to 25 pieces signed and numbered
Big digital version of the painting:

Mario, Misty from Pokemon, Catbuses from Ghibli movies. There's a ton in there. All anime or games that I heart very much. On a corner of Japan called Shibuya 109. Google it and you'll see the same shots.
And ya, I was gratuitous about the booty. Why the f_ck not?
Simply lovely. So many nice touches. And the subtle palette is pleasing to the eye balls. Go go hot a$$!
Oh my goodness... this is SO cool, my wife and I were stunned by so much coolness and checking out all the stuff you added...
Btw... do you still have the metroid color wheel thingies, right? tell me you do! since you haven't replied I asumed you were busy as hell, but I hope you don't sell out all of 'em and no art for good ol' Samolo. An remember, shipping to Mexico, land of the zombie tacos.
Peace, man!
This is amazing dude. I love all of the anime and games that you included into the piece. [Rampaged]
Thanks you guys. Glad you dig.
Soon up is a piece in a similar vein but starwars-i-fied. If I can find time.
you hit this one out of the park
Thanks sammi.
I got number 8/25 today. Hope you don't mind that I'm planning on hanging it in the bathroom once I found a frame ;)
No mind at all. That's a great place for art distinction. Lots of eyeball time in there for prints I suppose. (^__^)
I hope oneday that I can make something to claim prime realestate next to the entry hall.
you beast!
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