Here are some pics recently snapped up:

I'm calling it "The Hunter" and it's going in the Gallery 1988 video game inspired show.
More photos can be found on my Tumblr, here:
There's a very high likelihood that I'll be creating a mother brain once I'm done with a few paintings that are in progress, if I can afford her and I don't go nuts.
be seeing you,
Holy smokes! It looks even freaking better! It looks taken out of a videogame, man (It has an early DS game feel to me). The painting looks awesome! I think the only thing that could have made it cooler is a custom base, but I guess it was already a pain of work.
That IS a custom base!
I made it (with the help of wade) out of a small piece of wood. The roudned edge is supposed to be reminscent of the Metroid doors. And I wanted to use wood to offset the material and make it look low poly, like it stepped out of an older era of 3D gaming. (^__^)
Thanks for the compliments Samolo.
OMG, so much win!
She's gorgeous. I really think the flat polys work. It would have looked a little off if it was too smooth.
Also, where did you get it printed from? Don't tell me you have a rapid fabricator in your bathroom.
This looks amazing.
This looks awesome, man. Great job as always.
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