Yes, she's got booty shorts. Yes her head is ginormous. But is there really a problem with that? No. There isn't.
But seriously, if you haven't done the portal thing, it's short(ish) and rewarding.
Otherwise you'll miss out on all the internet memes, like "The cake is a lie." and a bunch of stuff about lemons and Cave Johnson. You'll see.

"She's look fat" : )
Thank you very much pakie! And Leonyes - yup, she's a fatty McFat fat. ;p
This is most awesome (along with all the VG pin-ups)... all it needs is a combustible lemon ;)
This is one of my favourite ones.
I like how the lips have been toned down a bit, and look less greasy. Plus.. anything with an Aperture Science logo is awesome by default.
There is just something more mature about this one... it's generally warmer and better, maybe the colours...? it's hard to say exactly what.
I don't know if it's the pose or the maybe the shorts, but those hips look curvier than usual.
And I likes me some curvy hips!
Dude that came out awesome! I love how you gave her thigh bracelet... portal...glowstick...thingies. It's very Holmes versus Aristotle, Moriarty vs. Mashy Spike Plate.
It's awesome. *bows*
That is all.
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