Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Finished finished.. really this time.

I got home last night and when I woke up, I knew it was goonies time. I adjusted lots on this one and there may be one more pass, but at least everything is detailed in and the values are adjusted. I really tried to frame the piece and give it a unique goonies feel - you know the sort of organic skewed feeling of the design o f the goonies logo and the skull motif and all the characters looking like little tooned out vinyls.

I'm going to do a framed print for a goonies show coming up soon which I'll link to, and otherwise I may have a few prints out for shows. I need to pick up a printer that does 13x19 or large sizes so I can do prints period.

Now I've got to go back to the other cult movie piece I'm working on.



kleer001 said...

I can count 10 skulls!

Unknown said...

haHAAA! This is righteous!