i'm in a group show in SF on the 15th. It's going to be a pretty cool show! If you're in the bay area - do stop by. From 7-10 on that thursday they will have the opening, then the show will likely be up for a few weeks.
here's one of the pieces:

more info at
ooh wish i could attend! have fun!
I live in whitley Bay.
Which is in Newcastle.
Which is in England.
So I guess I won't see you there.
I'll be showing some of my work on the wall in the toilet at the train station from the 18th to whenever the cleaners scrb it off.
hehe... great characters! Love the middle guy. Are those big nipples on the front of him? or are those hands? hehehe... either way looks neat.
Hope all is well my friend
Hey, wait! I'm having one of those things. You know, a headache with pictures
¡I demand scribbles from the inside of your fleshy thought maker! Or else something. Something to be determined at a date and time later than the one now.
6 days with no new post, -10 points.
piotr - too bad you can't stop by, i'll try to show stuff at a gallery near you as soon as i can.
spleenal - you are 1 hillarious MF. :-)
bobby - could be nipples now that i think about it. not a bad thought. all IS well, and i hope your awesome idea for a school is going great!
anon - dammit all, i work hard for my points! ok, i'll build em back up then.
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