she sounded about as nerdy as samuel powers - or even as nerdy as a boy who would make refference to him. (for those of you who don't know who that is -- think cheesy saved by the bell refference)
she was talking about her compost heap and how wonderful it was.
she apparently had a real jimmy for worms and how much of an impact they have on the environment.
there was something in her voice that reeked of sinisterness. (yes, that's a word. i looked it up.)
the girl wouldn't stop talking about worms, just as i can't stop talking about her talking about worms.
it was awesome.
i remember:
1. thinking "holy sh*t, i'm about to run out of gas.
2. thinking "holy f*ck, i left my wallet at home.
3. thinking "holy d*amn, all the change in my car won't afford me a half litre of petrol."
4. thinking "bloody h*ll, i'm going to die in the wastelands of southern california."
5. thinking "this girl on the radio is straight nutty. i think i' m going to make a post-it-pet of a worm riding girl or something quirky like that."
i suppose worms ARE cool. but i think a worm riding lingerie sporting powerpuff looking anime girl with pink eyes and purple hair is even cooler. since one didn't then exist - i've decided to make one up.
"miss worm"

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