whilst driving home from work on the 5 freeway, brakelights ahead of me forced me to slow my vehicle to a near stop. a girl in a blue sedan behind me was changing lanes and as she changed lanes she seemed to speed up - exactly the opposite of everyone else on the freeway. once the sounds of skreeching brakes came to a stop along with her blue quarter ton of plastic, gasoline, and rubber, she flashed her hi-beams at me as if that would magically speed everyone back up and send us into the future.
she was wrong. we did not speed up nor gain the lost seconds from braking.
as she passed me on the right she peeked into the car to see what i looked like.
i flipped her off. it felt great. it was a beacon of road rage exemplified in my middle finger....
...life went on.
today's character is "pandguin". i listened to prokofiev while i created him. if you have not yet heard prokofiev, please seek his music out and listen to it at least one time.

this is a pandguin by Ben Padget. he's more james bond-like than mine and also has sidekicks. we've decided tonight to create inverse pandguins. so prepare yourself for the sheer awesomeness.
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