she works at a gallery in downtown san diego where i purchased some art recently.
she was scheduled for nine - to come by and bring my piece. nine o'clock came and left. no call, no ring at the door.
nine thirty - no rachel.
ten - no rachel.
even as you read this very message, i would be willing to bet : no rachel.
this is fine as i would have expected as much. she flakes ten out of eleven times, but i am really missing my new art right now and while i would love to shoot a photo of it and post for all to see - i cannot photograph what i cannot see.
thanks, rachel, i am now hungry and artless.
-- off to the local mexican shop for my usual. maybe i'll com back and paint my burrito.
this is "starvard" and the name may have something to do with the fact that i'm starving and i like stars.

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